Selasa, 17 Juli 2012

Wave Mechanics article ( Artikel Gelombang Mekanik )

Based on the propagation medium, the waves are grouped into two categories, namely mechanical waves and electromagnetic waves. Namely mechanical waves require a medium wave in the propagation. Among other examples of mechanical waves: sound waves, surface waves, and waves on a string. Electromagnetic waves are waves that do not require the propagation medium. Example: light, radio waves, TV waves, X - rays, and gamma rays.
2. Nature of mechanical waves
A. The occurrence of wave
Wave is due to the harassment that merambat.Menurut concepts of physics, wave reflection is the propagation of fault-finding, while the medium remains. Thus, wave propagation is followed by energy transfer without mass transfer medium.

B. Understanding Mechanical Waves
Understanding Mechanical WavesWater waves, sound waves, rope waves, and waves on slinki are examples of mechanical waves. These waves require a medium to be merambatkan wave. Air, water, rope, slinki is the medium used to merambatkan water waves, sound waves, rope waves, and waves on slinki. These waves caused by the presence of mechanical vibrations. Therefore, these waves are grouped into wave mechanics. Generally, wave mechanics as an example can be observed with the naked eye ..
Examples of mechanical waves:- A wave that occurs at one end of a rope if digerak moving.- A wave that occurs on the surface of the water if given tease him (eg by dropping rocks on the surface of a calm pool of water).

Magnitude of the wave is almost equal to the magnitude of the vibration. Its magnitude is as follows:A. Period (T) is the amount of time it takes for one wave.2. Frequency (f) is the number of waves that occur within 1 second.3. Amplitude (A) is the maximum deviation of a wave.4. Rapid propagation of (v) is the amount of distance traveled per unit time wave.5. Wavelength (λ) is the distance that a wave in one period. Or the magnitude of the distance of the hill valley.Used in the wave equation is as follows:T = t / nf = n / tandT = 1 / ff = 1 / Twhere: T is the period (s)t is time (s)n is the number of waves (times)f is the frequency (Hz)To determine the rapid propagation of the wave equation is used;v = v = λ.f or λ / TWhere λ is the wavelength (m)v is the rapid propagation of the wave (m / s)
- The definition is:
-Waves are vibrations that propagate.-Waves are mechanical waves that require a medium where vines.-Wave is the basic formula:• Speed• V = λ / T = f. λRunning-wave is a wave in which every point through which the waves are vibrating in harmony with equal amplitude.-The general form of traveling wave equation is:• Y = A sin 2Ï€ (t / T ± x / λ)-Wave phase angle is:• Θ = (ωt - kx) rad = 2Ï€ (t / T - x / λ) rad-Wave phase are:• Φ = (t / T ± x / λ) without unitΛ-point within the same wave phaseWithin ½-point λ on the wave of opposite phase-Different phases A and B at the same time are:• Δφ = Δx / λ-Different phases A and B at different times are:• Δφ = Δt / T• Sample questions. :• tranversal wave equation that propagate along a very long rope is• y = 6 sin (Ï€ x 0.02 + 4 Ï€ t) and x in cm and t in seconds. How much faster propagation of the wave?• Silent Wave / Stationary / Stand / Vertical.• stationary wave is the result of interference / alloy 2 has a wave of equal amplitude and frequency but opposite directions of propagation. At this wave, not all the points through which the waves have the same amplitude. There are points that vibrate with maximum amplitude are called antinodes (P) and the There are points that vibrates with an amplitude minimum is called a node (S). In other words stationary wave amplitude is not constant.• stationary waves due to reflection at the end of besas.• At the free end means nothing perloncatan phase and the phase of the incident wave reflected wave equal, then• Yp = 2 A cos 2Ï€ (x / λ) sin2Ï€ (t / T - L / λ)• = 2 A cos kx sin (ωt-kL)• x is a stationary wave amplitude• Ap = 2 A cos 2Ï€ (x / λ)• X is the distance from the point of reflection rather than the origin.• The point of the stomach occurs when x = bil.bulat. ½ λ.• X = 0, ½ λ, λ, 1 ½ λ, ...• the node occurs when x = bil.ganjil. ¼ λ.• X = ¼ λ, λ ¾, 5/4 λ, ...

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